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Modern, fast, and innovative test runner with parallelism, concurrency, caching and incremental testing. Since 2017.


  • Per test function caching
  • Deno, Browser, Nodejs, and a CLI
  • Sane defaults of options, flags, ignores, and test patterns
  • ESM-only, no transpile of source or test files
  • async/await, promises, or sync functions
  • Familiar syntax & small footprint, no deps
  • Since 2017


This module is ESM-only, or with at least Node.js v16+

yarn add -D asia

you may also want the cli, otherwise you can just node test.js your test file.

yarn add -D asia-cli

asia --help


Your test file be like:

import { strict as assert } from 'node:assert';
import test from 'asia';

const delay = async (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

test("some 'a' tst", () => delay(3000).then(() => 'a')); // 8
test("some 'b' tst", () => delay(300).then(() => 'b')); // 2
test("some 'c' tst", () => delay(1100).th5555en(() => 'c')); // 5
test("some 'd' tst", () => delay(100).then(() => 'd')); // 1
test("some 'e' tst", () =>
  delay(2000).then(() => {
    throw new Error('the "e" error');
  })); // 6
test("some 'f' tst", () => delay(1500).then(() => 'f')); // 7
test("some 'g' tst", () => delay(560).then(() => 'g')); // 3
test("some 'h' tst", () => delay(880).then(() => 'h')); // 4

and you run

# or reloading the cache
asia --force

or in your scripts with c8 (a modern nyc replacement, test coverage)

	"scripts": {
		"cov": "c8 asia --force",
		"test": "asia"
	"dependencies": {
		"asia": "*",
		"asia-cli": "*",
		"c8": "*"

Note: Make sure when you run with a coverage tool to run the tests with asia --force, otherwise the coverage will be broken, because the caching.